The vigorous typographic explorations of Lamm & Kirch
“You have to find your own voice” said Jakob Kirch back in the fall of 2013, when Andreea Dobrin decided to discuss with the Leipzig based graphic designer some of the influences and ideas regarding graphic design from his own, unique point of view. Kirch along with Florian Lamm are the forces behind one of the most awarded and inspiring studios nowadays. Mostly working with printed matter, Lamm & Kirch are continuously producing highly inspirational visual series that deal mostly with typography. From print publications, visual identity, poster, to exhibition design Lamm & Kirch bring on a refreshing sense to contemporary typography whilst exploring the visual language with bold forms and hyper-strong typographical elements. The studio teaches, lectures and contributes to publications all over Europe and renowed clients like Leipzig’s Academy of Visual Arts, Bauhaus Foundation and the Vilnius Academy of Arts pay their respect to their vision. We think it’s time to follow their example here.
Tags/ bold letters, lamm & kirch, jakob kirch, andreea dobrin, leipzig, leipzig’s academy of visual arts, bauhaus foundation, vilnius academy of arts