Monument Valley is so stunning that inspired a typeface
Monument Valley, Ustwo’s Escher-inspired premium puzzle, features so elaborated architectural wonders that simply couldn’t be recreated outside a video-game. First released in 2014, this iPad game (which on November 12, 2014 got an expansion of eight new chapters under the name Forgotten Shores) is “like a team-up between Studio Ghibli and M.C. Escher”. This digitized "pure magic" for many is a constant inspiration for people like Claudia Mussett (. With Alphabet Valley, the Barcelona-based graphic designer creates a typeface based upon the game’s amazingly detailed level designs, one one letter at a time. Optical illusions and other tricks shape a weird Alphabet that is visually deceptive and aesthetically beautiful. Check more of her work here but NOT when she is lost in the games’ enigmatic narrative.
Tags/ typeface, alphabet, claudia mussett, monument valley, escher