Kontrapukt’s latest typeface responds to ambient sounds
So what will eventually happen when typography responds to the sounds that surround it?
The answer is on display in Goertek’s R&D Headquarters in Qinbao, China. The China-based tech, electronics and acoustics company worked with Danish design studio Kontrapunkt and Nippon Design Center to create a custom typeface which responds to sound.
Aptly named “Sonic Typeface” the font changes its appearance through different frequencies and waveforms (sine, triangle, etc) as it responds to urban environments.
Using Opentype technologies, Kontrapunkt and Nippon Design Centre have created a new typeface for digital signage that responds to ambient sound through reshaping and morphing. The font has been designed to convey a ‘creative, bubbly personality’ that echoes the brand’s young workforce.
Experimental and groundbreaking the future is nigh and is already making waves.
Tags/ typography, custom typeface, goertek, kontrapunkt, sonic typeface, opentype technologies, digital signage, nippon design centre