Straight from Argentina, tango lessons in large scale typography
In early 2013, the new Audiovisual Communication Services Law of Argentina which promotes media diversity, offered the opportunity to the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero to begin UN3, a new TV channel, with broard and challenging perspectives. The same year Váscolo, the Buenos Aires based graphic and motion design studio was appointed the task to come forward with an appropriate Argentinian in spirit, bold, young, disruptive and innovative branding.
Due to the open source nature of the project creativity was all over the place. The professional staff of designers, animators, illustrators and producers of Váscolo held numerous meetings with the people involved in the University project taking part in the creation of a channel that had no strict guidelines and spirit defined yet. The Latin American design studio helped build the graphic and conceptual base of UN3, slowly turning it into the tango of visuals and information it is today.
The crude yet colorful branding, uses large scale typography disrupted by noise, errors and abstruct cuts. The effect is reminiscent of American TV adventure series of the best kind possible. So here at TYPORN we decided to keep an eye on Argentina’s colorful media revolution. For more lessons in tango and graphic design the Váscolo people are at your service.
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