Penguin Drop Caps
Penguin Drop Caps is a series of illustrated typographic covers featuring the 26 alphabetical letters. Designed by typographer Jessica Hische in collaboration with Penguin Art Director Paul Buckley, whose series design encompasses a rainbow - hued spectrum across all twenty-six book. The series came out by first featuring an 'A' for Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, a 'B' for Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, and a 'C' for Willa Cather's My Ántonia and continues with more perennial classics from Penguin. Each letter, a drop cap or an initial cap, is the first of a word when designed and set larger than the surrounding text, it is recognised as an element from our childhood years, from beautiful early editions to classic literature. Wheter its way of appereance, then and now, a drop cap letter prepares the arrival of something worth taking into consideration, mostly unique and special that deserves to be savored. Typography once more is used as a timeless tradition for a direct communication and in that case it swings between the tradition of printing and digital media. We shall not forget though that Penguin always leave space for endless creativity and experimentation, providing probably the best book covers in history.
Tags/ typography, inspiration, books, penguin