Haters gonna hate anything but these posters, oh yes, they will!
Let's face it: We live in a world of hate. Everything is filled with this deep enduring, intense emotion expressing animosity, anger, and hostility towards a person, group, or object etc etc etc. Media empires are based on hate propaganda, the news outlets are filled with anger and misanthropy, while compassion is something we've learned to suppress and ignore. So, when one day Bud Rodecker and Nick Adam were asked “In how many ways do you think the word hate can be written?” The answer they gave was brilliantly straightforward and bold. “The Hates hate campaign has managed to present a lot of different options on how the hate-filled messages can be comprehended”. Their propaganda of a more humane kind of hate is a marvelous one. Up to date with the sad, or should I say fair, news of the death of the hate preacher Fred Phelps, this exercise in communication through different typography in a strict graphic designed environment is worth discovering. “Its a simple visual response to the root of all things negative in the world. It’s an effort in repetition to redirect hate-filled messages towards a more compassionate truth.”
Repetition is the mother of knowledge; hearing something very often though without challenging it can eventually become truth. This unchallenged negativity is the destructive force capable of ill-effecting moments, environments and lives
Negativity is addressed with the same means it uses to expand nowadays. Through imagery that mimics the anti-gay, anti-anything picket signs the controversial loathsome Westboro Baptist Church founder loved so much, HatesHate is a reminder of politics propaganda with the visual language of repetition. “Repetition is the mother of knowledge; hearing something very often though without challenging it can eventually become truth. This unchallenged negativity is the destructive force capable of ill-effecting moments, environments and lives...” According to this, replacing hate with love may save the day! All guises of repetitive negative hate-speech on HatesHate are part of a project that the designer duo has been working on since 2010 and to which many communication designers have contributed. This campaign of hate for the sake of hate in a world that must learn to love hate and to love oneself is available in 18″ x 8″ posters that are hear to demonstrate this universal truth: haters gonna hate that love conquers all.
Just in case you don't know how to deal with negativity, two artists will show you a way
Tags/ typography, inspiration, graphic design, illustration, posters, social, hates hate