Non-Format shocks the crowd again with their type treatments
Stunning work selected and curated by leading creative agencies around the globe is featured on the new Computer Arts Collection: the Branding Annual 2014 hits the shelves; a beauty to behold and a definitive guide to the core creative topics of graphic design, typography, illustration, branding, photography and advertising. The book’s 224 pages, with an elegant cover of a red fluted foil, are full of inspiration, featuring also a devoted sector to special guests, who explain their creative process from the initial idea, through development and into production. As you can imagine, an edition like that, with rich content and appealing cover, demands and the remarkable intervention of a grand opening. Computer Arts invited the groundbreaking studio Non-Format, to enlighten the section-opening designs with a customized bespoke typeface, specially driven inspiration from a set of black and white textures within a three-dimensional space. Non-Format known for their expressive imagery and custom typographic solutions, did it again, with visuals who match with the latest trends in typography and taking them steps further.
In the book, you will find also a 20-page report on the latest trends, extended interviews with iconic designers and industry decision-makers, and an indiispensable talent directory to set up your nexr creative collaboration. You can grab your copy here.
Tags/ typography, inspiration, graphic design, illustration, non format, computer arts, branding annual